Reconstruction Era

Lincoln's Plan

Lincoln's plan was to get the south as quick back into the Union as possible.  When at least 10% of the state took an oath that state would be readmitted to the Union.  He also removed Confederate leaders from high political positions. Those former Confederate leaders all were prohibited from voting until further noticed.  But when  they took the oath they were promised their land back.  Lincoln was carrying out his plan when he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

Johnson's Plan

When Lincoln was assassinated Andrew Johnson automatically took over and to be honest he wasn't the best president we have had. First of all he wanted to severely punish the south and help African Americans.  But then he started like Lincoln's plan and did a complete 180 degree turn and Completely forgived the Confederates and then cared none for the African Americans beside forcing the Amendments.  Congress was mad and impeached him but was not kicked out of office.  As you can imagine he didn't run for president again.

Radical Republicans

Radical Republican were the men in congress who wanted to punish the south severely and help out african americans.  They wanted at least 50% of the population of each state to take the oath to be readmitted to the Union.  They also supported the Freedmen's Bureau and forced the amendments in the South.  They sent soldiers in the south and splitted the south into six military districts.